Wednesday, January 12, 2011


As of  the present date, all of the featured news crew have been removed from this page! Why? I can only imagine the feedback I get has been slowly putting them in their place. By that I mean, inclusions and corrections to program format has been (apparently) verified with experts, because I know "I'm" right about how radio adverting, media, and marketing works. The especially featured articles of the almighty bearded one have been changed and appear and disappear! Oh great L'idiot, at the time of this writing, it was your face all up here. On that note,..He's right UP THERE! Can you believe he has no idea where self esteem comes from, or how it works. He just throws words like "STUPID" and "A" HOLE out there at the public in such a degrading manner. To whom the bell tolls. This is what San Antonio has to wake up to! The tone, the voice, the attitude is so annoying it's irritating. He's GETTING OLD! No really, he's getting old. Fast.

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