You still don't get it! First you were on Christmas being turned into a "holiday" before your eyes, then you harp on a tasser issue, trying to involve every body into your opinionated world.
Let's take the latter. A ten year old child that may or may not have been brought up correctly, may or may not have a mental issue, but mother or not, father or not, it's far beyond what can be done with the force of the "Local Police" or the "Constable". That is your answer to everything! Kill,kill, kill!
Oh yeah you even name your towns that way, after your actions. Well, welcome to the MODERN world of civility. This is where Human kindness takes you to a higher level to be judged by your maker. (If you've assigned one to yourself).
Obviously, (..And That's My Word!)..This is a psychiatric issue! A problem, only by sedation can it prevent a crisis from happening. One you wish to turn into a "local bouncing ball" issue. If YOU wish!
City issue, State issue.... No federal controls of any kind! You are ALL SPOILED!
No real Papa to spank your asses, Oh you don't want that do you?