Having said that, let me say this.. The Catholic Church, it's "Flock" and the Priests and Nuns that teach and instruct are NOT and should NOT be represented as a cult. ( ..anyway cults are unorthodox and breakaways of lesser and commonly protestant sects). The purpose of Nuns and Priests is to "Pray for the World"! To service the God that keeps this world together because you and I don't really pray EVERYDAY or as often as we should! We don't follow the ancient laws as we should. Someone should!
The Pope at the time "KNEW", everybody knew! It was horrifying. Still is! It matters not where these people are, what matters is "What are we doing about it"? I don't mean slander and degrade or commercialize God for the purpose of "Good" programming.
Does Ian think he sounds intelligent when he himss, hawss, gaggs, and pausess in what is supposed to be thought? How come he doesn't do that when his BOSS interviews him?
Sorry George, you know I think the world of you!
See ya!
Save the Children