Can you believe this was of such major importance this morning on a "Flagship" station? charlie had the taco nerve to interject the sound bite, "New York City?". All becacuse he and his crew believe without the shadow of a doubt that the BEST tacos are right here in San Antonio. Bacon and egg tacos are "Gringo" food! Only Gringo's eat bacon and egg tacos. Well then I'm Gringo!
Maybe he belongs with the "Northerners" that live way up north the Dallas, Fort worth area. They have an absolute on what is Mexican, (SEE: Election results).
I mean REALLY! With all the different ways, styles, flavors, origins, influences that a bacon and potatoe can be made, they all taste like bland potatoe and egg. It's the sauce that he is addicted to. It's the raw ingredients that South Westerners are used to. It makes NO difference what the best tacos is if you haven't left the block. The Italians cook with garlic and oregano, the Spanish same thing. I put anything in that flat, unlevend bread they call tortilla, 'cause everybody here eats that, that's just the way it is around here. I've adjusted, apparently charlie from the block hasn't. If some body's mother so happened to fill in that day, I'm sure it wasn't mine. However, Mother made the BEST CORN CHIPS! So, pues, en resumida quenta, so charlie tacos are still just survival wraps! Check out he Cat Tire around John! Who do you think he had for DINNER?
Point in case: Brooklyn probably has the BEST Tacos de Carne Asada, or anything else for that matter. The illegal population has reached an all time high. How's THAT for "topic" ideas?