Let's break this down a little. While "man" has the choice of free will, THAT is what validates having a soul? The ability to take ones life? Now isn't that convenient. The pot calling the kettle! I can't think of any other organization that would say that, except a protestant or Baptist organization. They are the only ones I can think of that would disassociate from the "Sacred" laws of God to respect all that lives and take nothing for granted.
I believe man walks on a very thin line between having a soul and not. Even if animals have no souls, it is in there instincts to not die or allow themselves to be killed if possible. So that has to count for something! That is also half way there! We are hereto make sure they earn their soul. In The New Testament Jesus said to preach to all living things, "IN AND ON THE EARTH"!
Oh sure, "Animal Instinct" you say, but they ARE Creatures of God! If you believe in God! Domestic animals are loved by us. They are not to be taken for granted, or they shouldn't be. They develop personalities, they learn, accept, apply, play, grieve, not to mention LOVE!
How can anyone be so cold to say otherwise?
The email that say's "I'd rather live life believing that there is a God and finding out there isn't, than to not and find out there IS!"
Now, WHO has a soul?
If God's breath is our air, and that is the life force, then let that stand on it's own. Or get off the potty!
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