Friday, December 10, 2010

The 24/7 GOOGLER

    Sadly, some people rely on the internet for every thing. Log past are the days of solemn retreat and going into a closet to speak to GOD! Did you know God does not like NOISE? What The Master of the universe likes is considered weird to us, maybe even ugly and strange. Ancient Orders were begun because reverence HAD TO be ordained. How else can you keep order on this planet? You had to appease God or all ..Well, you know! To the point that it was the mysticism that all other beliefs were brought to one God. Do you see where this can go?
    God can not be Googled. Ancient orders do not just give out information to the public! Either you know or you don't, your in or your out. You are a follower, if your lucky. All others can actually communicate and leave messages, read signs like "inbox", heal, cuss (as long as it's not G.D.!!!) curse in the name, ( to damn) what should not be allowed on Earth. Hey, it's better than Facebook! Reverence is key and most ut! Keep him HOLY! DUH!
    On that note, what is called "Mass" is a one hour condensation of what we should be doing four 24/7! It's just that no one can actually live that life! For that reason there are Nuns and Priests. It is so they "PRAY" 24/7 for the world and YOU! To vow is to promise! no one gets out alive! Good luck! Try it again, you are allowed! Just  watch your intentions now! Like a child just coming to realization, so do adults! Live and learn. Now put your hands together "KWYATTLY"!!!

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