Well, this is our beautiful weather, out here in the south of Texas! Isn't it just envious? The day after Christmas and while the rest of America is under siege, and the Norther East is under snow (Not to make light of the suffering!), here we have a grinch that wishes to steal the the glory away from the weather to say some "awful" remark about New Yorkers! With That Said....
In the annals of Media History, there tucked away you will eventually find snippets of the history of a Meteorologist (that was chief ) and worked in the news room of a "Sister" station to ABC in New York AND was something or other with American Meteorological Society.Truly A MAN BETWEEN WORLDS! Keep this in mind!
Now, Hey, isn't Chicago and New York supposed to be "The" top two leading most populated most decidingist cities in all of the UNITED STATES? Okay!
And this can go on for days, so bottom line is, "DIPLOMACY". OKAY! The Nicest Most "PURIST" of Snow is eaten! No yellow, no brown snow! Please! There's enough out there!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Don't ASK!!
Sex is a human condition. We are born to pro create. We are worms! It's the nature of a hormone to seek out other hormones!
Sex and all it's issues have been in the spotlight for decades now. With all it's revolutions and evolutions we should be able to keep our pecker's and our toto's in our pants. Please don't ask me if I'm ... and then turn around and tell all your friends only to form a "click" to alienate me ( and or who ever else, because I've been innocently caught in that kind of cross fire! It's very cheap! Very prejudice!). Keep your perverted thoughts to your self! Actions have proven perversion to be factual. Save yourself!
Sex is a biological function of the human body not a privilege, sin, or moral issue. The government "NEEDS" to make it an issue of "right" (and wrong). That's it! Don't cross that line!! Do your job or get punished, not ousted! Make an example of "ALL" who bear an "S". Believe me, That shit will stop!
As for the treacherous, you are under forty, anyone over fifty does not care and under thirty is confused! Remember the Alamo!
Sex and all it's issues have been in the spotlight for decades now. With all it's revolutions and evolutions we should be able to keep our pecker's and our toto's in our pants. Please don't ask me if I'm ... and then turn around and tell all your friends only to form a "click" to alienate me ( and or who ever else, because I've been innocently caught in that kind of cross fire! It's very cheap! Very prejudice!). Keep your perverted thoughts to your self! Actions have proven perversion to be factual. Save yourself!
Sex is a biological function of the human body not a privilege, sin, or moral issue. The government "NEEDS" to make it an issue of "right" (and wrong). That's it! Don't cross that line!! Do your job or get punished, not ousted! Make an example of "ALL" who bear an "S". Believe me, That shit will stop!
As for the treacherous, you are under forty, anyone over fifty does not care and under thirty is confused! Remember the Alamo!
Friday, December 10, 2010
The 24/7 GOOGLER
Sadly, some people rely on the internet for every thing. Log past are the days of solemn retreat and going into a closet to speak to GOD! Did you know God does not like NOISE? What The Master of the universe likes is considered weird to us, maybe even ugly and strange. Ancient Orders were begun because reverence HAD TO be ordained. How else can you keep order on this planet? You had to appease God or all ..Well, you know! To the point that it was the mysticism that all other beliefs were brought to one God. Do you see where this can go?
God can not be Googled. Ancient orders do not just give out information to the public! Either you know or you don't, your in or your out. You are a follower, if your lucky. All others can actually communicate and leave messages, read signs like "inbox", heal, cuss (as long as it's not G.D.!!!) curse in the name, ( to damn) what should not be allowed on Earth. Hey, it's better than Facebook! Reverence is key and most ut! Keep him HOLY! DUH!
On that note, what is called "Mass" is a one hour condensation of what we should be doing four 24/7! It's just that no one can actually live that life! For that reason there are Nuns and Priests. It is so they "PRAY" 24/7 for the world and YOU! To vow is to promise! no one gets out alive! Good luck! Try it again, you are allowed! Just watch your intentions now! Like a child just coming to realization, so do adults! Live and learn. Now put your hands together "KWYATTLY"!!!
God can not be Googled. Ancient orders do not just give out information to the public! Either you know or you don't, your in or your out. You are a follower, if your lucky. All others can actually communicate and leave messages, read signs like "inbox", heal, cuss (as long as it's not G.D.!!!) curse in the name, ( to damn) what should not be allowed on Earth. Hey, it's better than Facebook! Reverence is key and most ut! Keep him HOLY! DUH!
On that note, what is called "Mass" is a one hour condensation of what we should be doing four 24/7! It's just that no one can actually live that life! For that reason there are Nuns and Priests. It is so they "PRAY" 24/7 for the world and YOU! To vow is to promise! no one gets out alive! Good luck! Try it again, you are allowed! Just watch your intentions now! Like a child just coming to realization, so do adults! Live and learn. Now put your hands together "KWYATTLY"!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tomorrow. That is the day, that because of charlie Parker, ( and let's give the last name recognition),
some child, possibly "YOUR'S", will weaken and buckle for the last time, because no one could understand them.
Life according to Parker is one sided. There is only one way of living, one way of being, one way of acting, one kind of food to eat, one kind of friend to keep, one kind of, people to talk to, (mind you, it's the kind he can "BULLY" and demean!), ONE SIDED! ONE! UNIVISION!
Tomorrow, because of his or THEIR machismo'ism, more, ugly, self centered, self serving, insecure, parentless, teen or teens will PUSH one child right off the face of this planet. Will, SHOVE some one's will and dreams right in the garbage!
Some child who's mother went throught the trouble of making her child a P+B sandwich will get a call that her child "was found" dead. Just like that. End of subject! Because of your next words!
I hope you can live with that!
Are YOU a parent? You just say get out of the house your're late? No I love you, how's school?
Your world is talk talk talk! Well the "Pen IS MIGHTIER" than the swored!
Bullying and suicide can and do go hand in hand.
some child, possibly "YOUR'S", will weaken and buckle for the last time, because no one could understand them.
Life according to Parker is one sided. There is only one way of living, one way of being, one way of acting, one kind of food to eat, one kind of friend to keep, one kind of, people to talk to, (mind you, it's the kind he can "BULLY" and demean!), ONE SIDED! ONE! UNIVISION!
Tomorrow, because of his or THEIR machismo'ism, more, ugly, self centered, self serving, insecure, parentless, teen or teens will PUSH one child right off the face of this planet. Will, SHOVE some one's will and dreams right in the garbage!
Some child who's mother went throught the trouble of making her child a P+B sandwich will get a call that her child "was found" dead. Just like that. End of subject! Because of your next words!
I hope you can live with that!
Are YOU a parent? You just say get out of the house your're late? No I love you, how's school?
Your world is talk talk talk! Well the "Pen IS MIGHTIER" than the swored!
Bullying and suicide can and do go hand in hand.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
OMG! / The children of silver spoons!
All this time has passed, and I thought the bullying ended! (see 10/11/10)
All this time has passed, and I thought the bullying ended! (see 10/11/10)
Friday, June 25, 2010
I Can't Believe I'm Saying This...
Thank You for the "Smoke'm if you gott'em" sement you featured the other day!
The world is now totally wakko! I keep saying , "We are losing our freedom"! Freedom to be free! We are no longer free!
First off, I have to fear the fact that I can no longer say what I really want to say. Freedom of speech, is NO LONGER!!
Secondly, rights have been removed, we are in violation of our right to choose. (This right covers many rights).
Thirdly, we are being corralled (..what the hell do I know of a barn yard..) in to sections, locations, ghettos, pre-determined "class" pockets, labeled "Guilty by association" etc.. That is VERY NEW YORK if you ask any New Yorker! New York may be behind in some things now, but it is still the "Trend" setting capital of the world.
It just might come right out of "HERE"!
The world is now totally wakko! I keep saying , "We are losing our freedom"! Freedom to be free! We are no longer free!
First off, I have to fear the fact that I can no longer say what I really want to say. Freedom of speech, is NO LONGER!!
Secondly, rights have been removed, we are in violation of our right to choose. (This right covers many rights).
Thirdly, we are being corralled (..what the hell do I know of a barn yard..) in to sections, locations, ghettos, pre-determined "class" pockets, labeled "Guilty by association" etc.. That is VERY NEW YORK if you ask any New Yorker! New York may be behind in some things now, but it is still the "Trend" setting capital of the world.
It just might come right out of "HERE"!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Yeah, yeah, we know you're a "DOG" guy, you've rubbed it in over and over and, you must be losing it. I hear evidence of a struggle. You struggle with green beans, green bean casserole, and veggie, beer, (oh, you like to wear beer). I wouldn't doubt you really, have really weird childhood issues, forced upon you, beside being a native of this frontier, which is to say, 'DIFFERENT' to begin with.What would that make you, in your OWN?
You live in a black and white, good vs evil world. There is only YOUR RIGHT! You have been handed the world on a silver platter, and look what you did with it! I'm honest because I have nothing! I don't profess to be anybody or have done anything. BUT YOU! You still have so much you can do and help people with. You can be the savior of the puppies and the kittens! but NO! You are so vain you argue with yourself. You think you have a following but you get STUPID people call you with STUPID answers, and you have to finish what you started because you are a legend, "In Your Own Mind!". Oh, "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUE REASON AND PURPOSE FOR COFFEE!".
You live in a black and white, good vs evil world. There is only YOUR RIGHT! You have been handed the world on a silver platter, and look what you did with it! I'm honest because I have nothing! I don't profess to be anybody or have done anything. BUT YOU! You still have so much you can do and help people with. You can be the savior of the puppies and the kittens! but NO! You are so vain you argue with yourself. You think you have a following but you get STUPID people call you with STUPID answers, and you have to finish what you started because you are a legend, "In Your Own Mind!". Oh, "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUE REASON AND PURPOSE FOR COFFEE!".
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Talk Show Host Shows True Colors
Okay, I'm getting off of charlie's ass for now, and I'm going to get on Ian Punnett! Personally he has too many n's and too many t's to be dotting here. I've really had enough of his so called "indepth" interviews with people that don't really have the answers. Isn't that funny? Last night it was about sick and perverted men of the cloth. Although he used words and adjectives I prefer not to use. They are UGLY and insinuate the worst. There is the issue all across America AND THE WORLD FOR THAT MATTER! why didn't he take it to the streets? Everybody forgets the streets!
Having said that, let me say this.. The Catholic Church, it's "Flock" and the Priests and Nuns that teach and instruct are NOT and should NOT be represented as a cult. ( ..anyway cults are unorthodox and breakaways of lesser and commonly protestant sects). The purpose of Nuns and Priests is to "Pray for the World"! To service the God that keeps this world together because you and I don't really pray EVERYDAY or as often as we should! We don't follow the ancient laws as we should. Someone should!
The Pope at the time "KNEW", everybody knew! It was horrifying. Still is! It matters not where these people are, what matters is "What are we doing about it"? I don't mean slander and degrade or commercialize God for the purpose of "Good" programming.
Does Ian think he sounds intelligent when he himss, hawss, gaggs, and pausess in what is supposed to be thought? How come he doesn't do that when his BOSS interviews him?
Sorry George, you know I think the world of you!
See ya!
Save the Children
Having said that, let me say this.. The Catholic Church, it's "Flock" and the Priests and Nuns that teach and instruct are NOT and should NOT be represented as a cult. ( ..anyway cults are unorthodox and breakaways of lesser and commonly protestant sects). The purpose of Nuns and Priests is to "Pray for the World"! To service the God that keeps this world together because you and I don't really pray EVERYDAY or as often as we should! We don't follow the ancient laws as we should. Someone should!
The Pope at the time "KNEW", everybody knew! It was horrifying. Still is! It matters not where these people are, what matters is "What are we doing about it"? I don't mean slander and degrade or commercialize God for the purpose of "Good" programming.
Does Ian think he sounds intelligent when he himss, hawss, gaggs, and pausess in what is supposed to be thought? How come he doesn't do that when his BOSS interviews him?
Sorry George, you know I think the world of you!
See ya!
Save the Children
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Well, here I go. This morning I caught a news brief about some ass "o" see a shun that wants to say animals don't have souls because they don't or can not take their own lives!
Let's break this down a little. While "man" has the choice of free will, THAT is what validates having a soul? The ability to take ones life? Now isn't that convenient. The pot calling the kettle! I can't think of any other organization that would say that, except a protestant or Baptist organization. They are the only ones I can think of that would disassociate from the "Sacred" laws of God to respect all that lives and take nothing for granted.
I believe man walks on a very thin line between having a soul and not. Even if animals have no souls, it is in there instincts to not die or allow themselves to be killed if possible. So that has to count for something! That is also half way there! We are hereto make sure they earn their soul. In The New Testament Jesus said to preach to all living things, "IN AND ON THE EARTH"!
Oh sure, "Animal Instinct" you say, but they ARE Creatures of God! If you believe in God! Domestic animals are loved by us. They are not to be taken for granted, or they shouldn't be. They develop personalities, they learn, accept, apply, play, grieve, not to mention LOVE!
How can anyone be so cold to say otherwise?
The email that say's "I'd rather live life believing that there is a God and finding out there isn't, than to not and find out there IS!"
Now, WHO has a soul?
If God's breath is our air, and that is the life force, then let that stand on it's own. Or get off the potty!

Let's break this down a little. While "man" has the choice of free will, THAT is what validates having a soul? The ability to take ones life? Now isn't that convenient. The pot calling the kettle! I can't think of any other organization that would say that, except a protestant or Baptist organization. They are the only ones I can think of that would disassociate from the "Sacred" laws of God to respect all that lives and take nothing for granted.
I believe man walks on a very thin line between having a soul and not. Even if animals have no souls, it is in there instincts to not die or allow themselves to be killed if possible. So that has to count for something! That is also half way there! We are hereto make sure they earn their soul. In The New Testament Jesus said to preach to all living things, "IN AND ON THE EARTH"!
Oh sure, "Animal Instinct" you say, but they ARE Creatures of God! If you believe in God! Domestic animals are loved by us. They are not to be taken for granted, or they shouldn't be. They develop personalities, they learn, accept, apply, play, grieve, not to mention LOVE!
How can anyone be so cold to say otherwise?
The email that say's "I'd rather live life believing that there is a God and finding out there isn't, than to not and find out there IS!"
Now, WHO has a soul?
If God's breath is our air, and that is the life force, then let that stand on it's own. Or get off the potty!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
The United State of TACOS
Can you believe this was of such major importance this morning on a "Flagship" station? charlie had the taco nerve to interject the sound bite, "New York City?". All becacuse he and his crew believe without the shadow of a doubt that the BEST tacos are right here in San Antonio. Bacon and egg tacos are "Gringo" food! Only Gringo's eat bacon and egg tacos. Well then I'm Gringo!
Can you believe this was of such major importance this morning on a "Flagship" station? charlie had the taco nerve to interject the sound bite, "New York City?". All becacuse he and his crew believe without the shadow of a doubt that the BEST tacos are right here in San Antonio. Bacon and egg tacos are "Gringo" food! Only Gringo's eat bacon and egg tacos. Well then I'm Gringo!
Maybe he belongs with the "Northerners" that live way up north ...in the Dallas, Fort worth area. They have an absolute on what is Mexican, (SEE: Election results).
I mean REALLY! With all the different ways, styles, flavors, origins, influences that a bacon and potatoe can be made, they all taste like bland potatoe and egg. It's the sauce that he is addicted to. It's the raw ingredients that South Westerners are used to. It makes NO difference what the best tacos is if you haven't left the block. The Italians cook with garlic and oregano, the Spanish same thing. I put anything in that flat, unlevend bread they call tortilla, 'cause everybody here eats that, that's just the way it is around here. I've adjusted, apparently charlie from the block hasn't. If some body's mother so happened to fill in that day, I'm sure it wasn't mine. However, Mother made the BEST CORN CHIPS! So, pues, en resumida quenta, so charlie tacos are still just survival wraps! Check out he Cat Tire around John! Who do you think he had for DINNER?
Point in case: Brooklyn probably has the BEST Tacos de Carne Asada, or anything else for that matter. The illegal population has reached an all time high. How's THAT for "topic" ideas?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Now that it's over said and done, I hope poor Charlie get's it. I'm starting to get lazy and I'm really getting tired of capitalizing his name. I hope he gets that.

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